Friday, February 28, 2020


We just finished a very busy, but good transfer week.  
The Coronavirus has impacted our mission, but a new wonderful group of 10 
joined us this week right before the cut off!

 The temple shut down minutes before they were supposed to go,
but we still got to enjoy it's beauty and influence!

Here's a look at our mission diversity:

 And a fun picture from the Snow Festival a few weeks ago.

 Just so you know, we are all healthy!

 Self-isolation is a preventative measure.  The Church is shut down in Japan--
no church meetings or gatherings of any kind.  
We are doing our best to stay well and not spread this virus.

We know that nothing can stop the work of the Lord!
Tools are in place so that we can still continue to do missionary work via technology.

And work we must!!

We want to "waste and wear out our lives" inviting all to come unto Christ!

Well, that's pretty much our short update.
We do appreciate any prayers sent our way!

Hugs from Hokkaido!

Sakura Sayonara!