Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sweet is the Work!

          This past week was busy.  It was our 2nd time to have transfers.
              Monday night we had a delightful group of about 78 for Family Home Evening.

            There’s always a fun game, musical number, lesson, group picture and refreshments.
                                Tuesday evening we picked up our 10 new missionaries. 
     They weren’t on their flight, but were able to catch the next plane which arrived an hour later.
Wednesday, there is training, temple session, meeting their new trainers, and a testimony meeting.

                            Thursday after breakfast, they all head out to their new assignments.
The departing missionaries arrive, do a temple session, have their final interview, enjoy a traditional Sukiyaki dinner and have a testimony meeting.
Friday morning after breakfast, we head back to the airport to send our beloved missionaries to their homes.   Then we hurry back to meet any families that have come to personally pick up their missionary. 
Needless to say, it is BIG!  Hours & hours of preparation go into matching new companionships and placing them in the right area.  Lot of food is bought, prepared, consumed and cleaned up. Valiant men and women come and go.   All in all, it is a very sweet time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired just reading about all of this. You are amazing and I love the updates.


Sakura Sayonara!