Saturday, January 27, 2018


Our mission has two unique traditions.  The first is a "Bean Shower" where new missionaries are "showered" with gifts.  Here's an example:

Then when a missionary is going home, they get "pie-d".  I'm not sure when these traditions began, but they seem to be part of who we are as The Chosen Frozen.  Here is a "Pie-ing":

Besides the tradition of having fun, our missionaries are obedient, hard-working and full of
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog completely by accident and so glad I did. My son, Elder Hunter Dawdy, is currently in the MTC and will be heading your way Mar 13. He is so excited to serve the Lord, and the people of Hokkaido, in Japan. He is a great young man and missed greatly by many.

    p.s. Superman is his hero too. :)


Sakura Sayonara!