Saturday, January 5, 2019

We're Expecting!!

Our BIG announcement is that. . .
Our mission family is going to grow!! 

We will add 2 zones and about 40 missionaries on July 1.  YIKES! 

We've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's.

Cookie decorating at Christmas Zone Conference

Family Home Evening on Christmas Eve.
I love the happy Wise Man!

 Santa made an appearance too.

"Baby, it's cold outside."

Thank goodness for FaceTime to help keep us connected with our family back home!!

On New Year's Day we got 4 new missionaries.  Two are from the Philippines!

This was the Christmas gift to our Sisters and this tie was our gift to the Elders.

Our theme is "BELIEVE".
Believe in Christ.
Believe that He knows you and loves you!
Believe that He wants to help you.
Believe that He perfectly fulfilled His role
so that we can repent and be resurrected.
Please Believe!


  1. So great to see you. I saw in church news there will be mission realignments but did not realize you were involved. Maybe this is just internal growth. Either way congrats.
    Jack and Robynn

  2. Love it!!!! So great to see the update! Good luck with the new zones and more missionaries to keep up with! Hope your health is good, and you are doing as well as you look! Hugs to you both!


Sakura Sayonara!